Good Natured Learning

Build Capacity
We empower educators to adopt nature-based learning practices within their locus of control (with their students, colleagues; in their classroom, school, and community).

Teaching Students Outdoors (TSO) and
Mini Teaching Students Outdoors (Mini TSO)
4-hour, interactive, outdoor, in-person workshop
(Mini = 2-hours)
Who is it for? Educators who want to teach students outdoors in nearby nature.
What will you do?
Grow your knowledge about nature-based learning’s benefits
Gain skills in planning and preparation, site selection, risk management, outdoor classroom management, and more!
Discover how to activate nearby-nature as a classroom
Experience instructional strategies you can use with your students!
Explore how to make nature-based learning culturally responsive, equitable, and inclusive
Contact us to schedule a workshop for your school or community
Don't have 4 hours for a TSO workshop? We offer TSO as two, 2-hour sessions. We also offer a 2-hour "Mini-TSO" - a pared down version of the above course to get your feet wet!
Email: becca@goodnaturedlearning.org to see what's right for your school.
School District Systems Design Consulting for Learning in Nearby Nature
Who is it for? School district leaders who want to make it easy for their teachers to teach and for students to learn in nearby nature.*
Consulting packages include:
A core set of best practices for supporting teaching & learning in nearby nature
Direct consulting to address questions and develop/customize best practices specific to your district
Contact us to explore systems consulting for your district!
*Nearby nature = within easy human-powered (walking, rolling, biking) distance of school

Good Natured Learning Fellowship
Who is it for? PK-12 (PP1-12) Educators (Teachers, Counselors, Administrators) who are you ready to be part of a professional community of Nature-Based Learning champions.
What will you do?
Participate in a 5-day, 4-night nature retreat
Form part of a close-knit community of educators
Develop the knowledge, skills, and will to bring nature-based learning into your regular teaching practices
Take part in a year-long Professional Learning Community
Become a Teacher-Leader​
Attend, dream, & plan at the What's Next? Mini Retreat
Join a growing alumni network
Click here to learn more about the Fellowship.